Thursday, April 17, 2014

What I've Been Up To Lately

Hey guys! Long time no talk, right? Well, I've been super busy the past few months, and wanted to share what I'm been up to with you guys.

First of all, my boyfriend and I moved to Bend, OR in March, so it's been pretty crazy getting settled in. We love it so far though, and it's been great being back with my family-especially my sassy and perfect eleven year old sister.

I took a little break before going back to work after the disaster that was my last job, but I'm working again now and I love my new job so far!

I took the plunge and dyed my hair purple! I've wanted purple hair since I was little, but was never able to have it for a multitude of reasons. I love it so much, and so do random strangers.

I've also started crafting again and plan on opening my Etsy shop back up again soon. Here's a bow I gave away on my Facebook page recently.

Well, that's the basic rundown of what I've been up to/why I haven't been blogging. Now that I'm settled in, I'm going to be blogging more! I have a whole list of ideas I want to get down on here :)


Until next time...

Stay Stellar,
Paige Elise

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